Whistleblowing System – MAP Indonesia


Whistleblowing System

The Company provides an official Whistleblower channel that can be used by all employees of PT Mitra Adiperkasa Tbk and its subsidiaries to report suspected violations or environmental violations by the Company, which are contrary to the Company’s policies and/or applicable laws in Indonesia, including actions such as theft, harassment, bullying, document forgery, or other ethical code violations. Reporters can submit their reports through the hotline or email provided by the Company.

The Company guarantees the confidentiality of the identity and content of the reports submitted. The Company also ensures the safety of the reporter from intimidation, termination, discrimination, or any other harmful actions that may arise from their report. All reports received through the whistleblower channel will be validated by the Internal Audit & Compliance Division. Furthermore, all valid reports will be classified into 5 types, namely Human Rights, Code of Ethics, Criminal Acts, Inventory Loss, and Fraud.

Reports that have been verified and validated by the Internal Audit & Compliance Division will be forwarded to the respective divisions designated according to the classification of violation as regulated in the Whistleblower SOP, for follow-up action.

There were 2 (two) valid reports received through the Whistleblower channel in 2023, and all of them have been handled properly.