Audit Committee

The Audit Committee functions to support the Board of Commissioners in performing its oversight duties in accordance with prevailing requirements of OJK Regulation No. 55/POJK.04/2015, 29 December 2015, regarding the Establishment and Guidelines for the Work of Audit Committees, and the Indonesia Stock Exchange – pertaining to the integrity of financial report, risk management and internal control; compliance with legal and regulatory requirements; the external auditor’s performance, of the internal audit function. The Audit Committee, however, functioned independently.

Members of the Company’s Audit Committee are elected by the Board of Commissioners. The Chairman of the Audit Committee also acts as the Company’s Independent Commissioners who reports directly to the Board of Commissioners. All members of Audit Committee intensively attend meetings which are scheduled every quarter (4 times a year) to review the effectiveness of internal audit functions, evaluate the effectiveness of audit implementation by external auditor, review all financial statement, and evaluate effectiveness of internal control – as specified in the Audit Committee Charter. Currently, the Company’s Audit Committee consist of the following:

G.B.P.H. H. Prabukusumo, S.Psi (Chairman)

Indonesian citizen, born on 22nd December 1954. He earned his bachelor’s degree in psychology from Universitas Gajah Mada, Yogyakarta in 1996. He has served as an Independent Commissioner of the Company since 2009.

Suwandi (Member)

Indonesian citizen, born on 6th April 1978. He earned his bachelor’s degree from Faculty of Economics, majoring in accounting in 2000 from Tarumanegara University. Previously, he garnered extensive experience, serving as an Auditor in KAP Drs. Arsyad & Co from 2001 to 2005, and subsequently as a Professional Accounting and Tax Consulting from 2005 to the present. He does not hold concurrent positions within the Company but holds a concurrent position as an Audit Committee member in one of the Group companies.

Riono Trisongko (Member)

Indonesian citizen, born on 16th January 1959. He obtained a Diploma in Accounting from the Indonesian State College of Accountancy in 1988 and currently, he does not hold concurrent positions within the Company.

The Company’s Board of Commissioners appointed and established a new Audit Committee for the term 2024 to 2026. The appointment of the Chairman and Members of the Audit Committee was made based on the Resolution of the Board of Commissioners of the Company (No. SK-DK/107/KA/MAPI/0824), effective as of 26th August 2024.